Measuring digital maturity

Digital tools allow us today to measure productivity, the sustainability of a project, the return of the investment... And believe it or not, we can now measure and evaluate the digital maturity of a cultural organization, library or museum. 

The Flemish Department of Culture, Youth and Media together with Meemoo have explored the concept of "digital maturity" thanks to a tool launched in January 2019. 

But what is digital maturity? Bart Magnus, member of Meemoo has limited this concept by defining five fundamental questions in his model: 

  1. How do you deal with digital developments in your organizational strategy? Do you think strategically about the digital aspects within your organization?

  2. How do you use digital applications to improve interaction with your target groups?

  3. Can digital products or services bring added value within your organization and how do you deal with this today?

  4. Digital maturity is not only a question of tools, but also of people - are they getting the right skills within the company to achieve their goals?

  5. How do you organize the digital processes within your organization?

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In this way, the tool classifies organizations based on results. For Magnus, it is important to emphasize that being "digitally mature" does not mean doing everything digitally. For example, another sign of maturity could be when an organization approaches digital developments in a well-thought-out way and applies them when it is useful.

Organizations can use the tool anonymously or after registration. If they decide to register they receive more explanation as their statements become more concrete. Moreover, the tool allows to be very selective thanks to its filters as results according to the sector, sub-sector, year of foundation budget... The results will never be the same for a museum than for a library or a small foundation. At the end of the results page, the tool helps with resources that can help the association to improve its digital maturity. 

Although Dutch is not my strong point, if there is anyone lucky enough to know the language, they can check the tool at When will a Spanish version of this great idea be available? 

Sara Arias GómezComment